Relationships can only be built between people. In the best case, companies are only symbols for people. Apple stood for Steve Jobs for years. He was the face of the company and certainly an exceptional case of fame and popularity among fans. But you don’t have to be the CEO of one of the most successful companies of our time to become the face of your business.
There is an investigation that people trust the CEOs of foreign companies as little as they trust sellers. Experts who deal with the content of the topics get significantly better marks of trust. In other words, the people who, in their daily work, are professionally entrusted with the topics that really interest the customer. How could you integrate these employees into your campaigns and content marketing?
Why “Seitenbacher Müsli” annoys customers and yet is successful
You certainly know the urgent tone of the speaker in radio commercials when it comes to “Seitenbacher Muesli”. What many don’t know: The speaker is the CEO of the company. What was initially (allegedly) chosen for budget reasons has now become a method. The Swabian dialect with the pronounced striking voice, which has nothing to do with the typical speaker voices, remains in memory. This is a special effect that you can try out for yourself.
Speaking humans in a video or an audio contribution underline your message as enterprise. Let employees in the specialist departments as well as managers have their say. It is important that it is not perfect. Of course, the contribution should not be deliberately badly done, but it is also not about perfect film scenes. A good light and above all a good tone are decisive. When people express themselves in front of the camera, the performance is only credible when you see that these people do not pretend. Put your employees in front of the camera and you will see that this step builds customer relationships and trust.
The CEO as brand ambassador
Even if the CEOs don’t get good grades, that shouldn’t stop you from stepping in front of the camera. Especially not if you intend to represent a message instead of selling it. The top management is predestined to speak out, to explain the meaning and purpose of the company. Leave the effectiveness of the products and services to your most important employees. The boss brings the sense, the specialists the concrete implementation. Show your face and create trusting relationships.
Once a new customer has been acquired, the actual work begins. For long-term business relationships, it must also work on a personal level.

New customers have announced themselves to you. They greet the couple, who are around 50, friendly and courteous, but even the man who seems to be the spokesman treats them very harshly and imperiously, almost like an employee. This is how the whole counselling interview goes on. What can you do to better assess and respond to such customers from now on? How can you build a trusting relationship with such and all other customers in order to have a good basis for cooperation? From my decades of experience in sales, I know how important it is to treat others the way they would like to be treated. This epitome of customer orientation means nothing more than being able to recognise what type of customer you are dealing with in each individual case and how to deal with them. However, this presupposes first of all that you “know” yourself, because this is the only way to find a common “language”.”
But how can you establish a good contact to your customers quickly and according to type? This is where the type model of the DIV helps. It basically distinguishes between four basic types:
The red type: He is an authority, a doer and a boss type. He sets himself clear goals, which he implements ambitiously and consistently. He likes to make decisions, take risks and bring business forward and to completion.
The yellow guy: He radiates optimism, joie de vivre and enthusiasm. He easily comes into contact with other people, likes to talk, but hardly listens. He likes variety, likes to travel and is extremely active.
The green type: He seems emotionless and reserved. Behind it however hides itself a very sensitive and understanding humans. If he finds trust, he opens up and reveals a lot about himself. But he does not have the need to get in close contact with many people.
The blue type: He is very reserved and more interested in information than in people. He is afraid of making mistakes and avoids risks and changes. He is conscientious, analytical and very critical of himself and others.
Motionless and reserved. Behind it however hides itself a very sensitive and understanding humans. If he finds trust, he opens up and reveals a lot about himself. But he does not have the need to get in close contact with many people.
The blue type: He is very reserved and more interested in information than in people. He is afraid of making mistakes and avoids risks and changes. He is conscientious, analytical and very critical of himself and others.